Copy of User Manual

1) Logging into Qallix

I) Hit the 'Sign In' button at the top of the browser.
II) Enter the email that you used to register during the onboarding and hit submit. You will then receive a one-time code that is sent to the email entered.
III) Key in the code and click submit again.
 Qallix Login Page 2

2) Dashboard

I) You can choose your preferred display to view your statistics by clicking on the green-highlighted dropdown menu.
II) You can choose your preferred period to view your statistics by clicking on the blue-highlighted dropdown menus.
III) Once you have selected your display store and period, it will load all the information in the red-highlighted table. Statistical graphs will be generated as well.
IV) You can change the language and the currency by clicking on the yellow highlighted dropdown menu.

3) QAI

QAI, also known as Qallix Artificial Intelligence, is a chatbot built to help you in different ways. Currently, QAI can only help with marketing but a beta version of QAI analytics is available as well!

3.1) QAI Marketing

QAI Marketing is able to help you generate creative text captions for your marketing needs. Just describe, with as much detail as possible, what the post is about and QAI will generate a caption for you!

4) Analytics

4.1) Customer Analysis

4.2) Profit Analysis

4.3) Stock Analysis

4.4) Product Analysis

4.5) Chat Analysis


5) Orders

5.1) Orders


6) Products

6.1) Boost Item

6.2) COGS

7) Inventory

7.1) SKU Mapping

7.2) Management

7.3) Warehouse


8) Chat

9) Integration

9.1) Integrating Lazada

9.2) Integrating Qoo10

9.3) Integrating Shopee

9.4) Integrating Shopify

9.5) Integrating Zalora

9.6) Integrating Woocommerce

9.7) Integrating Tokopedia

9.8) Integrating Tiktok

9.9) Integrating Offline Store

10) Organization

11) Reports



Qallix Integration Step 1
III) You will see your store on the integration page with its current status:
  • If it’s inactive:
  • If it’s active:
Active Icon
Qallix Integration Step 3
IV) To edit the activity of your store, you can click on the red-highlighted “Edit” button underneath the store to change.

2.1) Integrating your stores:

Qallix Step 4
I) To add your store, click on the red-highlighted '+ Add' button
Qallix Integration Step 5
II) You will be taken to the marketplace page where you can choose the platform you want to integrate with.
III) Once selected, you will be automatically redirected to the user seller site of the chosen organisation.
IV) Once you have login to your store, you will be redirected back to the main Qallix page.

3) Dashboard



Video Tutorial:




4) Analytics


4.1) Overview

Qallix Analysis Overview
I) You can choose your preferred period to view your statistics by clicking on the red-highlighted dropdown menu.
Qallix Analysis Overview Part 2
II) You can hover over different graphs in the analysis page to view more data. Example, hovering over the middle bar will show the total number of channels in WISTECH GLOBAL. 

4.2) Customer Analysis:

Qallix Customer Analysis Part 1
I) You can choose your preferred period to view your statistics by clicking on the red-highlighted dropdown menu.
Qallix Customer Analysis Part 2
II) You can hover over different graphs in the analysis page to view more data. Example hovering over the purple regions in the Geolocation Analysis as shown above, will display a text box with the customer analysis. Note, that the map is zoomable.
III) Clicking on the purple regions on the Geolocation Analysis map will reveal a sidebar with more Customer Analysis data. Example, clicking on Singapore will reveal a sidebar as seen above.

4.3) Profit Analysis:

Qallix Profit Analysis Step 1
I) You can choose your preferred period to view your statistics by clicking on the red-highlighted filter.
II) You can select the number of channels you want to display by selecting the green-highlighted dropdown menu.
Qallix Profit Analysis Step 2
III) You can hover over the different graphs in the analysis page to view more data. Example, hovering over 05 May 23 will display the value for the 2 lines Order Value and Profit / Loss.
Qallix Profit Analysis Step 3
IV) You can export the profit table as a CSV file by clicking the red-highlighted “Export CSV” button.
V) Selecting on one of the green-highlighted channel buttons will lead you to a screen showing more data on the specific channel.

4.4) Stock Analysis:

Qallix Stock Analysis Step 1
I) You can choose your preferred period to view your statistics by clicking on the red-highlighted dropdown menu.
Qallix Stock Analysis Step 2
II) You can hover over the different graphs in the analysis page to view more data. Example, hovering over the green portion will display the total number of Healthy Stock Count.
Qallix Stock Analysis Step 3
III) You can export the Stock Run Rate table as a CSV file by clicking the button the red-highlighted “Export CSV” button.

5) Orders

Video Tutorial:




 Qallix New Orders Part 1

5.1) New Orders:

I) View all your new orders and manage them for increased order fulfilment.
II) To get your preferred selection, click on the red-highlighted filter dropdown menus.
III) Print AWB and invoice by clicking on the blue “Print And Shipped Selected” button.
Qallix New Orders Part 2
IV) Your products will be displayed as shown above: Order, SKUs, Price, Mode of payment, Courier, AWB & Invoice.

5.2) All Orders:

Qallix All Orders Page
I) View all your orders here and manage them.
II) Keep track of your orders, print history and statuses individually for each order to ensure that everyone is fulfilled.

6) Products:


6.1) Listing:

Qallix Products Page

I) You can select a channel and organisation from the blue-highlighted dropdown menu to view and manage your products.

II) You can delete or edit your product by clicking on the red-highlighted dropdown button.

III) You can search products by entering the SKU or Product name in the green-highlighted search bar.

IV) You can edit the Location, COGS and Stock by clicking on the dropdown menu and edit button in the yellow-highlighted box

6.2) Boost Item:

Qallix Boost Item Page Part 1

I) You can choose up to 5 products to boost. Please note that there is a countdown indicating the remaining duration for which you can boost your selected products.

Qallix Boost Item Page Part 1

II) You can also create a prioritized list of products that will be boosted once the current batch of boosted products reaches its time limit.

Qallix Boost Item Page Part 3

III) To add products to be boosted or be placed in a waiting list, click on the red-highlighted “+ Add Items to List” button.

 Qallix Boost Item Page Part 4

IV) To add or boost products, click on the red-highlighted checkbox next to the desired product(s). You can use the search bar to make the process easier.

V) Once you have selected the product(s), click on either the green-highlighted "Add to Waiting List" or the blue-highlighted "Boost Now" button to proceed.


6.3) COGS:

Qallix Cogs Part 1

I) You can view your channels and Item SKU by clicking on the red-highlighted dropdown button.

II) You can add inventory by clicking on the green-highlighted “+ Add Inventory” search bar.

III) You can edit the cost of good sold (COGS) by clicking on the blue-highlighted pen icon. The screen below will appear. Enter the New COGS before clicking on the purple “Edit” button to finalise your changes.

Qallix COGS part 2

IV) For the yellow-highlighted “Edit” button, it is the same as the “+ Add New” function under the Inventory page. Please read 7.1) SKU Mapping for more Details.

7) Inventory:


7.1) SKU Mapping:

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 1

I) Click on the red-highlighted 'Inventory'. The image below showcases the Inventory landing page.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 2

II) Click on the red-highlighted “+ Add New” button shown below.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 3

III) Enter the required information in the field above.

  • From the Product Name field to the Alert Qty field, all fields are required
  • The Rack Id field is optional and represents the location of the stock.

IV) Associate the new product with an SKU that corresponds to your existing products. You can select single or multiple similar products to map the new product. This step is optional.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 4

V) Click the red-highlighted "save" button to store the information in the system.

VI) The Inventory page provides a comprehensive overview of all the previously created or imported product(s).

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 5

VII) On the inventory landing page, click the red-highlighted view button under the “Action” column.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 6

VIII) Update the required field(s) for the product based on the provided text field(s).


IX) Click the red-highlighted save button to save the changes.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 7

X) On the pop-up view, click the history button highlighted in red.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 8

XI) From the pop-up view, use the red-highlighted field to filter by day, month, year, or custom dates.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 9

XII) The filtered results, including the platform(s) where the product is sold and the quantity sold, can be depicted based on the red-highlighted section.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 9

XIII) On this pop-up page, use the red-highlighted sync toggle to update your product synchronously or manually.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 10

XIV) When you turn off the red-highlighted sync toggle, you can see a comprehensive view of the product details in the green-highlighted section. This includes the channel, item SKU(s), ratio (%), reserved quantity, and quantity.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 12

XV) Please take note of the following details based on the figures below:

  • The red-highlighted quantity/suggested quantity is determined by the formula: (Main Qty * Ratio (%)) + Reserved Quantity.
  • Both the main quantity and the quantity should not be lower than the reserved quantity.
  • The ratio (%) figures represent the sales contribution of the Item SKU in the previous month
  • The reserved quantity is set aside for upcoming campaign purposes.

XVI) To enable automatic product syncing, toggle the sync on, similar to the red-highlighted alert toggle below.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 13

XVII) On this page, you can filter your inventory by 'Creation Date' or 'Quantity Level' of the products highlighted in red below.

XVIII) Additionally, you can quickly find your products by typing the product name you are searching for, highlighted in green below.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 14

XIX) Select the product(s) you want to export by clicking the green-highlighted checkbox provided.

XX) After confirming your selection, click the red-highlighted "Export" button, which displays the number of selected items.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 14

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 15

XXI) Upon clicking the export button, an Excel sheet will be downloaded to your system, displaying relevant information about the product(s).

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 17

XXII) Click the red-highlighted import button to import new product(s).

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 18

XXIII) Click on the 'Choose Files' above to select an Excel file containing the information of the new product(s) to be uploaded.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 19

XXIV) Choose an Excel file containing the information of the new product(s) to upload to the Qallix Console/Database.

Qallix SKU Mapping Part 20

XXV) Once the Excel file has been successfully uploaded to the Qallix Console/Database, you will be able to view the newly captured product(s).

XXVI) By default, the table will show 10 rows of created or imported products. Modify the number of displayed rows by utilizing the red-highlighted drop-down list.

7.2) Location:

Qallix Inventory Part 1

I) You can delete or edit your product location by clicking on the blue “Edit” button or the red delete button.

Qallix Location Part 2

II) Once you have finished editing the location, click the blue “Save” button. The new location will now be displayed on the Organization page.

Qallix Location Part 3

III) To delete a location, click on the red delete button.

Qallix Location Part 4

IV) To add a new location, click on the blue “+ Add” button in the right-hand corner.

V) Input the Name and Description of your new location clicking on the blue “Submit” button.

8) Reports:


Qallix Sales Report

I) To obtain the Sales Item Report, click on the "Select Dates" bar to choose the desired sales date range. After selecting the dates click on the red-highlighted "Export CSV" button.

II) To generate the Revenue Report, select the desired sales date range by clicking on the "Select Dates" bar. Then, choose the time frame (days, months, or years) for the report calculation. Finally, click on the green-highlighted "Export CSV" button.

9) Integrating Shopify to Qallix

9.1) Shopify

9.1.1) Setting Up Developer App in Shopify

I) Log in to your Shopify Seller Centre, and click on Settings as shown in the Red Box on the bottom left corner

 Shopify settings tab

II) Firstly, click on Apps and sales channels as shown in the Red Box, follow up by clicking on the Develop apps in the Yellow Box.

Apps and sales channels page

III) Click on the Create an app button on the top right corner as shown in the Red Box

Shopify app development page

IV) After completing step III, a pop up will be shown on your webpage, put Qallix as the App name in the Yellow Box, and for the App developer in the Blue Box just select one of the users shown in the dropdown. Finally click on Create app in the Red Box.

Shopify create an app pop up

V) Click on the Configuration tab shown in the Red Box

Shopify Confirguration tab

VI) Click on the Configure button as shown in the Red Box.

Shopify Configure page

VII) After doing so, you should be able to see the page as shown below. Tick every Item in the Blue Box [Remember to Scroll Down for more Items to Tick] , and finally click on the Save Button as shown in the Red Box

Shopify Admin API access page

VIII) Go back to the Configuration Tab and Click on the Configure button as shown in the Red Box for the Storefront API integration and copy Step VII.

Shopify Configuration page

9.1.2) API Key & Secret Key

I) Click on the API credentials tab as shown in the Red Box. Click on the Install app button in the Blue Box. Keep in mind that the API key in the Green Box, and API secret key in the Orange Box can be found in this page as well.

Shopify API credentials page

II) After clicking on the Install app button , there should be a pop up on your webpage. Click on the Install button as shown in the Red Box.

Shopify Install App pop up

9.1.3) Admin API access token & Storefront API access token

I) After doing so, you should be able to see your Admin API access token in the Purple Box, and the Storefront API access token as shown in the Blue Box. Please take note that the Admin API access token can only be revealed once [Reveal token once] as shown in the Red Box. Save the Admin API access token in a Notepad to be safe.

Shopify Admin API access token and Storefront API access token

9.1.4) Domain

I) To get your domain, Click on the Domains button in the Red Box, you will find your Domain Name as shown in the Pink Box.

Shopify Domain page


9.2) Qallix

I) First Click on the Integration tab on the left in the Red Box. Once in the Integration page, Click on the Add button in the Blue Box.

Qallix Integration Page

II) Once in the Add page, click on the Marketplace Button for Shopify in the Red Box

Qallix Add new Integration Page

III) Here are a list of details you need to fill in for your Shopify Integration

Qallix Shopify Integration Page

  • Channel Name: You can insert your Channel Name here
  • Country: Select your Shopify Store Country
  • Channel Status: Switch the button ON/OFF to indicate whether the store is ACTIVE/INACTIVE
  • Api Key: Follow the steps in Section 9.1.2 [API key & API Secret Key]
  • Admin Api Access Token: Follow the steps in Section 9.1.3 [Admin API access token & Storefront API access token]
  • Storefront Api Access Token: Follow the steps in Section 9.1.3 [Admin API access token & Storefront API access token]
  • Api Secret Key: Follow the steps in Section 9.1.2 [API key & API Secret Key]
  • Web Url: Follow the steps in Section 9.1.4 [Domain]
  • Save: Click on this button once every details are filled in

10) Integrating Qoo10 to Qallix:

10.1) Qoo10

10.1.1) Getting the API from your Sales Manager

I) Log in to your QSM, and click on the Setting button as shown in the Yellow Box in the picture below. A drop down will be displayed after clicking the Setting button, click on My Information button in the Green Box. Finally scroll all the way down until you find the staff & contact information section as shown in the Blue Box. Your Sales Manager contact will be in the Red Box, contact them to get your Store’s API Key. [Remember to include your User ID when applying for the API Key. You can find it at the top of this page under the Seller Information section.]

 QSM My Information Page

10.1.2) Getting the Account and Password from Qoo10

I) To retrieve your Account and Password, it is the same as your Username and Password when logging in to QSM

QSM login page

10.2) Qallix

I) First Click on the Integration tab in the Red Box. Once in the Integration page, Click on the Add button in the Blue Box

Qallix Integration Page

II) Once in the Add page, click on the Marketplace Button for Shopify in the Red Box

Qallix add new Integration page

III) Here are a list of details you need to fill in for your Shopify Integration

Qallix Qoo10 Integration Page

  • Channel Name: You can insert your Channel Name here
  • Country: Select your Shopify Store Country
  • Channel Status: Switch the button ON/OFF to indicate whether the store is ACTIVE/INACTIVE
  • Account: Follow the steps in Section 10.1.2 [Getting the Account and Password from Qoo10]
  • Api Key: Follow the steps in Section 10.1.1 [Getting the API from your Sales Manager]
  • Password: Follow the steps in Section 10.1.2 [Getting the Account and Password from Qoo10]
  • Save: Click on this button once every details are filled in

11) Integrating Tokopedia to Qallix:

11.1) Tokopedia

11.1.1) Getting Domain Toko [Shop Domain] in Tokopedia

I) Log in to your Tokopedia Seller, and click on the Pengaturan [Arrangement] at the side tab. There will be a dropdown, click on the Pengaturan Toko [Store Settings] button in the Red Box. Here you can see the Status Keanggotaan [Membership Status] in the Yellow Box and your Domain Toko [Shop Domain] in the Blue Box



  • Only Power Merchant or Official Store Status Keanggotaan [Membership Status] are available for 3rd party integration. 

Tokopedia Store Settings page

11.2) Qallix

11.2.1) Adding your Tokopedia Details in Qallix

I) First Click on the Integration tab in the Red Box. Once in the Integration page, click on the Add button in the Blue Box.
Qallix Integration Page
II) Once in the Add page, click on the Marketplace Button for Tokopedia in the Red Box
Qallix Add New Integration Page
III) Here are a list of details you need to fill in for your Tokopedia Integration
Qallix Tokopedia Integration
  • Channel Name: You can insert your Channel Name here
  • Country: It is set to only Indonesia
  • Channel Status: Currently the Status will be Pending until the Integration is fully completed
  • Web Url: Follow the steps in Section 11.1.1 [Getting Domain Toko [Shop Domain] in Tokopedia]
  • Save: Click on this button once every details are filled in

11.2.2) Getting an Confirmation Email from Tokopedia

 I) After clicking save, you will receive a Confirmation Email from Tokopedia. Click on Accept in the Red Box and you have successfully integrated your Tokopedia Store with Qallix. Keep in mind, your Tokopedia Store might take a day to be visible in Qallix.

Tokopedia confirmation email